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Special Opportunity!

For a limited time only.....

This Pacific Northwest Native American inspired sculpture by Cia Thorne has been donated to TIGA by Betsy and Richard Ehrenberg from their collection to benefit TIGA and the 2014 Taos Art Glass Invitational. We send a heartfelt thank you to the Ehrenberg's for their generous gift and hope you will join us in honoring their gift and in supporting art glass in Taos by purchasing a chance to win this wonderful sculpture. Drawing is scheduled to occur on, or after, November 8.

The sculpture is fashioned after a raven mask by the Kwakwa̱ka'wakw, a Pacific Northwest Coast Indigenous people. Their current population is approximately 5,500. Most live in British Columbia on northern Vancouver Island and the adjoining mainland, on islands around Johnstone Strait and Queen Charlotte Strait. Their language, now spoken by less than 5% of the population (about 250 people), consists of four dialects of what is commonly referred to as Kwak'wala. They have historically been referred to by non-Natives as the Kwakiutl, although this is but one of the Kwakwaka'wakw nations.

The sculpture was created in 2006 through a hot sculting technique and stands 20" tall, mounted on a steel stand and embellished with beads. It is valued at $3500. Chances to win this outstanding work are $20 each. All priceeds benefit TIGA and the Taos Art Glass Invitational.